Thursday 10 January 2013

Progress report

1. Which materials and techniques have you experimented with during the this project? 

During this project I have experimented with many different techniques and ideas. For example paper cuts, I got inspiration for this experiment from Abigail Reynolds and Lisa Hedge, I enjoyed doing this experiment because it was fun and I liked the final outcome. and

2. Have you explored and developed your ideas imaginatively? How have you demonstrated this? (give examples, link to posts or include images) 

I started this project with four initial ideas, overtime I experimented with my ideas and developed them further.
My four initial ideas are;
-UV painting
-Light painting
-Underwater photography
- Obscuring the face
To these ideas I also added different techniques such as paper cuts, embroidery and I have also considered moving image with UV paint for my final outcome. 

3. Have you researched a diverse range of photography and completed this on your blog? Who have you analysed? is you analysis in-depth? (again give examples and link to posts)

I have analysed five different artists for this project;
-Dryden Goodwin
-Thomas Hawk
-Lisa Hedge
-Abigail Reynolds 
Three out of five of my analysis' are in-depth and the other two are how they have inspired my work. The artist I chose to analyse are quite different as they each link to a different one of my four initial ideas, also they are not all Photographers some of my artists use photographs they find for example Abigail Reynolds, who uses photographs of landscapes she finds in books.

4. Have you explored a range of ideas around your theme within your experiments? What are they? How have they informed your ideas?

From my first ideas i have developed them quite a lot beginning with body paint, then moving onto UV body paint and then being inspired to make a moving image with my UV idea as my final outcome. I have also developed my obscuring of the face idea, as photographing people through water didn't work as well as i would have liked, i decided to use a rain covered window instead i liked the out come of this. 

5. Have you refined / developed your outcomes through experimentation? How? 

Throughout this project I have done a few experiments to help me decide what path i wanted to go down with my final outcome. For example i used paper cuts, Digital and film photographs, photo shop experiments and a few more 

6. Have you annotated, in detail, your experiments and developments on your blog and used this information to help you improve? 

I think I could have done this better than i have done but I tried to correct anythings that have gone wrong in my experiments and found new ways to improve the outcome of them. 

7. Which techniques / experiments have been most successful? Why?

My most successful experiments have been those that I have set up and used to take my photographs rather than what I had done to my enhance my photographs after I have taken them. I think this is because although since stating this project my skills in photo shop have got better, I am still not 100% confident using photo shop and getting it to do what I want, my outcomes on photo shop haven't come out as well as I expected on occasion. 

8. Which techniques / experiments have been least successful? Why?

My least successful  experiments have been those that I have done on photo shop, this is because I have found fit difficult to come to grips with.
 -Photo shop experiment

9. Which techniques / experiments will you be developing further for your final outcome? Why? 

For my final outcome I am going to develop my UV body paint further, I want to do this because I have enjoyed doing it and I love the outcome of it. So far I have only photographed this but I plan to experiment with this further by making a UV body paint moving image. I will display this on a project screen.  

10. What else can you do to further develop the techniques / experiments you want to use for your final outcome?

I think that to do this I need to practice making moving images and decide weather I want it to be a GIF of a video, I also would like to take more photographs with the UV paint but use it on my models hands and face. 

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